"Lately, I was seeing lots of peter pan collars everywhere and I was very pleased.
Soon, I started to go googling them, or doing some similar kind of searches.
Then, I went to my favourite online stores to go cheking if they were selling them.
I couldn't resist the will of buying a peter pan collar dress, so I had to face my looow budget.
Finally I visited New Look's online store and bought me not one, but 2 p.p. collar dresses!"
This is the cronological story of my fashion/obsession degeneration.
And this is the beloved (and super cheap) result!
Peter Pan Top,
New Look £6
I was so happy purchasing this pink one, that I even bought a little black smooth belt from H&M, just for it!
Polka Peter Pan Tunic, New Look, £7(it is not exactly the same in the image! slightly different one.)
the last one, isn't really the one in the photo: mine has more rigorous shape, shorter sleeves and the collar is polka dotted in black and white, but it was already sold out so I couldn't find the image anymore :(
Ps: H&M in Italy has some interesting items in store right now, I really recommend you to go check it if you live in Italy! I found an intersting Divided collection inspired by flowers and weird quirkyness, very Rihanna's. // translating: H&M ora come ora ha delle cose davvero carine in negozio e c'è una collezione nel reparto Divided che è innegabilmente molto "Rihanna": floreale e weirdo. Consiglio di farci un salto!