It's like when you do some "meches" or "streaks" to your hair and then they grow fast before you can go back to your hairdresser (and that's ugly), but believe me it is really not a bad effect, it is amazing instead, 'cos it gives a sort of new light and shine to every hairstyle that is not totally straight (be careful, very straight hairs are not fair with this style!).
I think that the first person I remember when I think of "ombré hair" is our beloved Alexa Chung.

But how could we forget to mention the person who probably started this trend (or at least pushed it at its more extreme level), Lady Gaga?

And so many lovely bloggers talked about this so far:
LLY MLRS was one of the firsts to announce it last April, Hivennn is thinking about it, while Annebeth from The Styling Dutchman has decided to "go ombré hair" (and she is also talking about another blogger who has done it!) and Lula from Lulapalooza has already done an amazing work doing her ombré hair by herself!
I regreat not having long hair so much right now!
8 commenti:
Wow thanks so much girl! That's SO thoughtful of you. Can't believe I'm next to LLYMLRS!
Following ya !
And by the way, you can pull the look off even if you don't have long hair!
Thank you for including me lovely! xx
Im going to try this out in summer, my hair will be blonder then, i'm thinking light pink at the bottom but i'm not sure! I nominated you for a versatile blogger award! Come to to pick it up! x
haha thanks for mentioning me! I'm so glad I went ahead, even though I have super straight hair :D
i've just found your blog and i love it - definitely a new follower! i especially love this post because i'm considering the ombre too!
♥ elle
elle & the fashion folk
I love your little articles :)
This ombre hair trend is really cool! I'm so curious how annebeth will look like with it! I would do it myself If my hair was not red ^^ 'cause red and green ends would look like Gaga or Halloween or somethin' :P Have a nice week dear!
Bellissimi! Credo farò una cosa simile,devo decidere se puntare su colori naturali o su qualcosa di più forte però!
I loooove these pictures, especially the last one. I really want to do ombre hair!
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